Welcome to Mound Visits

A “mound visit” in baseball is when a team’s manager calls timeout and slowly walks to the pitcher’s mound, usually to do one of two things:

  1. Tell the pitcher to get his shit together

  2. Tell the pitcher he blew it and it’s time to give Johnson a chance

My version of a “mound visit” will be answering subscriber submitted questions about money. From time to time, I’ll throw in some writing about things I see going on in the financial world that I need to call timeout on.

I’m a certified financial planner (CFP®) professional who runs his own firm. My main goal is to educate people about money and give people confidence in their financial game plan. 

To learn more about how I think about money, you can download my 25-page guide titled Where to Start With Money?

Join the team

Be part of a community of people who want to educate themselves about money.

To submit your own question/scenario for me to answer in the newsletter, send me an at nick@nineinningfinance.com with your name, location and question.

Subscribe to Mound Visits with Nick Booth, CFP®

A monthly email focused on answering personal finance questions. Sometimes light, sometimes serious.


Advice-only Financial Planner. Loves baseball.